Brick kiln sector
Brick kiln sector of neighbouring States: A Focus
Thousands of migrant labourers especially from poverty stricken KBK region of Odisha migrate to almost all the districts of Andhra Pradesh and states like TamilNadu, Karnataka and Kerala every year to work in brick kilns. These workers are mainly from Bolangir, Nuapada, Kalahandi, Bargarh, Nabrangpur, Koraput and Rayagada districts of Odisha. Most of the labourers migrate with their families due to a total lack of sustainable livelihood options in their native villages after the monsoons. This is further compounded because of exploitative practices of moneylenders who take advantage of this situation and charge high rates of interest. This never ending cycle of debt forces the labourers to accept the meagre advances given by the Sardars (middlemen) in connivance with the brick-kilns owners operate in many part of India.